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Last modified: September 16, 2020Last modified: September 16, 2020
And then the battle\’s not so bad? You\’ve killed me! Oh, you\’ve killed me! And so we say goodbye to our beloved pet, Nibbler, who\’s gone to a place where I, too, hope one day to go. The toilet. Bender, being God isn\’t easy. If you do too much, people get dependent on you, and if you do nothing, they lose hope. You have to use a light touch. Like a safecracker, or a pickpocket.
Hey, tell me something. You\’ve got all this money. How come you always dress like you\’re doing your laundry? Come, Comrade Bender! We must take to the streets! Oh, you\’re a dollar naughtier than most. We need rest. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.
For the last time, I don\’t like lilacs! Your \’first\’ wife was the one who liked lilacs! Goodbye, cruel world. Goodbye, cruel lamp. Goodbye, cruel velvet drapes, lined with what would appear to be some sort of cruel muslin and the cute little pom-pom curtain pull cords. Cruel though they may be…