• Each SBS conf. brings together (Christian) biblical scholars from Africa and around the world for the common task of searching the scriptures—an exercise that well has an aura of antiquity to it. The conf. marks a new stage in the long search for meaning from ancient biblical texts that culminates in today’s multifaceted contexts. The task before it is to rediscover the biblical faith and Christian tradition in all its fullness and freshness for today, via the interpreted text in its multiple ancient contexts.
  • Searching the scriptures not only requires all the human powers that one possesses, but also covers an expansive area of human life and thought—the very “stuff” of civilization, both material and spiritual—and human/social institutions or processes. (Traditional) Africa reflects in many ways the diverse social-historical realities of the ancient world of the Bible. The emergent “situation” has a religious dimension, with which social science/religion scholars have long been enthralled. But Africa equally is confronted by the radical challenges of (post-) modernity, whose realities—African situation /institutions—are now defined by this new context. These often unspoken concerns shape current African discourses.
  • Historical inquiry and realities must inform our interpretive task. Historical tools of exegesis/criticism & interpretation must meaningfully serve the needs of faith. If Africa’s problems are biblically rooted, while culturally related, then their solution must come via biblical study.
  • The international African biblical forum, SBS, engages with the task of searching the scriptures on all fronts, knowing full well that such critical engagement with the Bible is well worth the time, effort and resources expended on it—beyond merely “surfing” the scriptures!
Last modified: August 25, 2020

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