SEPol Forum — Socio-Economic & Political Forum
SEPol Forum engages with the foundational socio-economic and political issues of emergent African society and culture in the multifaceted context of today’s world.
- Meetings: 26-28 June 2014 @ Barcelona Hotels Abuja
- Highlights:
- Theme: Africa’s Development and Democracy:The Cultural, Religious and Economic Stakes Today (Code: ADDCREST)
- Plenary Sessions, Symposia, Seminar Working Papers & Discussion
- Who are the Main Speakers?

a noted author, civil engineer and economist; member for 3 yrs of the World Bank’s Council of African Advisors (Washington, DC); presenter @ the 1999 Harvard Symposium on ‘Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress’ (Harvard University; Associate Professor of Economics in: Paris (1972-74), Alexandria (1990-92), Yaoundé; and visiting professor in Dakar (2000-2004); an international speaker.
an interdisciplinary scholar, author and theologian; has taught theology for 20 years, since 1982; chaired the PhD Committee @ Jos ECWA Theological Seminary; his Africa’s Social and Religious Quest (646p; by LQ Publishing, 2011 / Univ. Press of America, 2013) was nominated in 2013 for the international ‘Grawemeyer Award in Religion’ by Louisville Sem./Univ. of Louisville; director of Hokma House; the convener of SEPol Forum (Africa Summit).

director of the Center for Gender Equity and Empowerment @ Kenyatta University; associate professor, Dept. of Philosophy and Religious Studies @ Kenyatta University, Nairobi; well-published author; international conference speaker; William Paton fellow @ Univ. of Birmingham (2007); senior research fellow @ Divinity School, Yale Univ. (2010).


Former investment banker on Wall Street / adjunct business professor @ Hofstra Univ., New York; now the Katherine B. Stuart professor of Ethics @ Andover Newton Theological School – USA’s oldest Seminary.; author/co-editor of 20 books on economic ethics, development studies, continental philosophy and Pentecostal studies; works include: God and Money; Financial Statement Analysis; Economics in Spirit and Truth; Ethics and Time; Pentecostal Principle.
- October, 2016 (TBA)